Publikációink · PTE 3D Nyomtatási és Vizualizációs Központ

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Munkatársaink által jegyzett, valamint a Központ szaktudásbeli, infrastruktúrális vagy anyagi támogatásával készült közlemények


Roland Told, Gyula Marada, Szilard Rendeki, Attila Pentek, Balint Nagy, Ferenc Jozsef Molnar, Peter Maroti

Manufacturing a First Upper Molar Dental Forceps Using Continuous Fiber Reinforcement (CFR) Additive Manufacturing Technology with Carbon-Reinforced Polyamide

POLYMERS 13 : 16 Paper: 2647 , 15 p. (2021)

MTMT: 32128789     DOI: 10.3390/polym13162647

Gyula F. Vasvári, Dávid Csonka, Tamás Zsebe, Ádám Schiffer, Ivan Samardžić, Roland Told, Attila Péntek, Péter Maróti

CMT Additive Manufacturing Parameters Defining Aluminium Alloy Object Geometry and Mechanical Properties

MATERIALS 14 : 6 Paper: 1545 , 19 p. (2021) (2021)

MTMT: 31926336     DOI: 10.3390/ma14061545

Roland Told, Attila Péntek, András Vizi, Péter Maróti

The Effect of Disinfection on the Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed Materials

Beáta Csiszár; Csilla Hankó; Luca Fanni Kajos; Emerencia Mező (szerk.) Medical Conference for PhD Students and Experts of Clinical Sciences 2021 : Book of Abstracts Pécs, Magyarország : Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs (2021) 128 p. pp. 90-90. , 1 p. (2021)

MTMT: 32130994     DOI: -

Benjamin Shenker, Luca Tóth, Péter Maróti, Gergely Hrivnák, Péter Cserháti

First impressions with lower extremity exoskeleton during rehabilitation of spinal cord injured patients

Burger, Helena; Fazekas, Gábor; Vidmar, Gaj (szerk.) Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation : Book of abstracts with programme Ljubljana, Szlovénia : University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia (2021) 165 p. pp. 58-58. , 1 p. (2021)

MTMT: 32256992     DOI: -

Shenker Benjámin, Tóth Luca, Maróti Péter, Büki András, Fehér Melinda, Klauber András, Révay Edit, Erdősi Petra, Farkasinszky Diána Edina, Nagy Nikolett, Varga Edina, Szabó-Szebenyei Eszter, Vadai Kitti, Papp Leila, Hrivnák Gergely, Cserháti Péter

Alsó végtagi exoskeleton segítségével történő rehabilitációs tevékenység kezdeti tapasztalatai

IDŐSGYÓGYÁSZAT 6 : 1-2 pp. 15-20. , 6 p. (2021) (2021)

MTMT: 32226057     DOI: -

Adam Visnyei, Andras Buki, Peter Maroti, Luca Toth

Evaluation of the effect of age and body mass index on static gait parameters

Beáta Csiszár; Csilla Hankó; Luca Fanni Kajos; Emerencia Mező (szerk.): Medical Conference for PhD Students and Experts of Clinical Sciences 2021 : Book of Abstracts Pécs, Magyarország : Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs (2021) 128 p. pp. 7-7., 1 p. (2021)

MTMT: 32129869     DOI: -

Keresztes Dóra, Mérei Ákos, Rozanovic Martin, Nagy Edina, Kovács-Ábrahám Zoltán, Oláh János, Maróti Péter, Rendeki Szilárd, Nagy Bálint, Woth Gábor

Comparison of VividTrac, King Vision and Macintosh laryngoscopes in normal and difficult airways during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation among novices

PLOS ONE 16 : 11 Paper: e0260140 , 9 p. (2021) (2021)

MTMT: 32508439     DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260140

Nagy Bálint, Elettra Engblom, Marijana Matas, Maróti Péter, Kőszegi Tamás, Menyhei Gábor, Lantos János, Szabó Péter, Molnár Tihamér

A preoperatív hs-troponin-T és az intraoperatív események predikciója carotis endarterectomia alatt

FOCUS MEDICINAE 23 : 1 pp. 14-19. , 6 p. (2021) (2021)

MTMT: 31964512     DOI: -

Nagy Bálint, Engblom Elettra, Matas Marijana, Maróti Péter, Kőszegi Tamás, Menyhei Gábor, Lantos János, Szabó Péter, Molnár Tihamér

Increased serum level of high sensitivity troponin T even prior to surgery can predict adverse events during carotid endarterectomy

VASCULAR 29 : 6 pp. 938-944. , 7 p. (2021) (2021)

MTMT: 31807379     DOI: 10.1177/1708538120986297


Bogár Péter Zoltán, Tóth Luca, Rendeki Szilárd, Mátyus László, Németh Norbert, Boros Mihály, Nagy Bálint, Nyitrai Miklós, Maróti Péter

Az egészségügyi szimulációs oktatás jelene és jövője Magyarországon

ORVOSI HETILAP 161 : 26 pp. 1078-1087. , 10 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31348273     DOI: 10.1556/650.2020.31761

Maróti P, Kocsis B, Ferencz A, Nyitrai M, Lőrinczy D

Differential thermal analysis of the antibacterial effect of PLA-based materials planned for 3D printing

JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 139 : 1 pp. 367-374. , 8 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 30687699     DOI: 10.1007/s10973-019-08377-4

Attila Péntek, Miklós Nyitrai, Ádám Schiffer, Hajnalka Ábrahám, Mátyás Bene, Emese Molnár, Roland Told, Péter Maróti

The Effect of Printing Parameters on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of PLA and ABS Based Carbon Composites in Additive Manufacturing of Upper Limb Prosthetics

CRYSTALS 10 : 5 Paper: 398 , 12 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31314822     DOI: 10.3390/cryst10050398

Szilárd Rendeki, Bálint Nagy, Mátyás Bene, Attila Péntek, Luca Tóth, Zalán Szántó, Roland Told, Péter Maróti

An Overview on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing Technologies in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic

POLYMERS 12 : 11 Paper: 2703 , 18 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31667778     DOI: 10.3390/polym12112703

Luca Tóth, Ádám Schiffer, Miklós Nyitrai, Attila Péntek, Roland Told, Péter Maróti

Developing an anti-spastic orthosis for daily home-use of stroke patients using smart memory alloys and 3D printing technologies

POLYMERS 12 : 11 Paper: 2703 , 18 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31396086     DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109029

Tóth Luca, Bors Viktória, Pallag Adrienn, Pinczker Veronika, Dóczi Tamás, Cserháti Péter, Shenker Benjámin, Büki András, Nyitrai Miklós, Maróti Péter

Traumás gerincvelősérültek rehabilitációja alsó végtagi humán exoskeletonnal

ORVOSI HETILAP 161 : 29 pp. 1200-1207. , 8 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31372885     DOI: 10.1556/650.2020.31781

Zoltán Újfalusi, Attila Péntek, Roland Told, Ádám Schiffer, Miklós Nyitrai, Péter Maróti

Detailed Thermal Characterization of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Polylactic Acid Based Carbon Composites Used in Additive Manufacturing

POLYMERS 12 : 12 Paper: 2960 , 14 p. (2020) (2020)

MTMT: 31778547     DOI: 10.3390/polym12122960

Papp Emoke, Steib Anita, Elhusseiny Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahab, Rapp Judit, Jakab Laszlo, Smuk Gabor, Schlegl Erzsébet, Moldvay Judit, Sárosi Veronika, Pongracz Judit

Feasibility study of in vitro drug sensitivity assay of advanced non-small cell lung adenocarcinomas

BMJ OPEN RESPIRATORY RESEARCH 2052-4439 7 (1) Paper: e000505 , 8 p. 2020 (2020)

MTMT: 31345122     DOI: 10.1136/bmjresp-2019-000505

Jenei Sándor

Introducing Group-Like Uninorms—Construction and Characterization

Šostak Alexander et al. Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems. (2020) pp. 51-57 (2020)

MTMT: 30710195     DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16024-1_7

Jenei Sándor

The Hahn Embedding Theorem for a Class of Residuated Semigroups

STUDIA LOGICA 0039-3215 108 pp. 1161-1206 2020 (2020)

MTMT: 31122854     DOI: 10.1007/s11225-019-09893-y


Péter Maróti, Péter Varga, Andrea Ferencz, Zoltán Újfalusi, Miklós Nyitrai, Dénes Lőrinczy

Testing of innovative materials for medical additive manufacturing by DTA

JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 136 : 5 pp. 2041-2048. , 8 p. (2019) (2019)

MTMT: 30316282     DOI: 10.1007/s10973-018-7839-x

Péter Maróti, Péter Varga, Hajnalka Ábrahám, György Falk, Tamás Zsebe, Zoltán Meiszterics, Sándor Manó, Zoltán Csernátony, Szilárd Rendeki, Miklós Nyitrai

Printing Orientation Defines Anisotropic Mechanical Properties in Additive Manufacturing of Upper Limb Prosthetics

MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 6 : 3 Paper: 035403 , 9 p. (2019) (2019)

MTMT: 30346665     DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aaf5a9

József Szalma, Bálint Viktor Lovász, Edina Lempel, Péter Maróti

Three-dimensionally printed individual drill sleeve for depth-controlled sections in third molar surgery.

JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 77 : 4 pp. 704.e1-704.e7. , 7 p. (2019) (2019)

MTMT: 30336261     DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2018.11.028

Péter Varga, Dénes Lőrinczy, Attila Péntek, Miklós Nyitrai, Péter Maróti

Novel PLA-CaCO3 composites in additive manufacturing of upper limb casts and orthotics-A feasibility study

MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 6 : 4 Paper: 045317 , 8 p. (2019) (2019)

MTMT: 30434508     DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aafdbc

László Kiss, Dóra Bősz, Ferenc Kovács, Heng Li, Sándor Kunsági-Máté

Electrooxidation of phenol in alcohols and establishment of the permeability of the electrodeposited films. Polymer Bull. (2018)

Polymer Bulletin January 2019, Volume 76, Issue 1, pp 215–226 (2019)

MTMT: 3381160     DOI: 10.1007/s00289-018-2372-4

Jenei Sándor

A New Class of Uninorm Aggregation Operations for Fuzzy Theory

Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing; pp 296-303 (2019)

MTMT: 30717498     DOI: 10.1007/F978-3-030-20912-4_28

Kiss László; Bősz Dóra; Kovács Ferenc; Li Heng; Nagy Géza; Kunsági-Máté Sándor

Investigation of phenol electrooxidation in aprotic non-aqueous solvents by using cyclic and normal pulse voltammetry

Polymer Bulletin (2019) Volume 76, pp 5849–5864 (2019)

MTMT: 30428992     DOI: 10.1007/s00289-019-02678-2

Kiss László; Kunsági-Máté S.

Electrochemical oxidation of benzaldehyde and hydroxybenzaldehydes in acetonitrile on platinum and glassy carbon electrodes

Comptes Rendus Chimie Volume 22, Issue 8, August 2019, Pages 557-561 (2019)

MTMT: 10.1016/j.crci.2019.06.004     DOI: 30763082


Maróti Péter, Varga Péter, Ferencz Andrea, Újfalusi Zoltán, Nyitrai Miklós, Lőrinczy Dénes

Testing of innovative materials for medical 3D printing by DTA

Testing of innovative materials for medical 3D printing by DTA (2018) 15th Laehnwitzseminar on Calorimetry, 2018, Rostock-Warnemuende (2018)

MTMT: 30614854     DOI: -

Péter Varga, Péter Maróti, Gábor Jancsó, Miklós Nyitrai, László Lénárd, Balázs Gaszner, Örs Pintér, Balázs Gasz

3D Printed Guide In Surgical Ventricular Restoration

53th Congress of European Society of Surgical Research. 2018, Madrid, Spain (2018)

MTMT: 30753160     DOI: -

Péter Varga, Alexandra Gedei, Péter Maróti, Gábor Jancsó, Miklós Nyitrai, László Lénárd, Balázs Gaszner, Örs Pintér, Balázs Gasz

Precision Medicine in Cardiac Surgery: Application of 3D Printed Surgical Guides in Left Ventricle Aneurysm – a pilot study (2018)

17th International Summer School on Bio-X 2018.06.12-16 Crete, Greece (2018)

MTMT: 30753161     DOI: -

Feller, D., Kun J, Ruzsics I, Rapp J, Sarosi V, Kvell K, Helyes Z, Pongracz JE

Cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation becomes systemic by circulating extracellular vesicles containing Wnt5a and inflammatory cytokines

FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 9 Paper: 1724 , 14 p. (2018) (2018)

MTMT: 3401678     DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01724

Henrik Zsiborács, Nóra Hegedűsné Baranyai, András Vincze, István Háber, Gábor Pintér

Economic and Technical Aspects of Flexible Storage Photovoltaic Systems in Europe

ENERGIES 11 : 6 p. 1445 , 17 p. (2018) (2018)

MTMT: 3381828     DOI: 10.3390/en11061445

Márkus I, Schlégl ÁT, Burkus M, József K, Niklai B, Than P, Tunyogi-Csapó M

The effect of coronal decompensation on the biomechanical parameters in lower limbs in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. Accepted for

ORTHOPAEDICS & TRAUMATOLOGY-SURGERY & RESEARCH 104 : 5 pp. 609-616. , 8 p. (2018) (2018)

MTMT: 3388080     DOI: 10.1016/j.otsr.2018.06.002

Jenei Sándor

Strong Standard Completeness of IUL plus t ⇔ f via a Structure Theorem for Finitely Generated Group-like FLe-algebras á la Hahn

Prague Gathering of Logicians & Beauty of Logic : Volume of Abstracts (2018)

MTMT: 3328670     DOI: -

Franziska Sueck, Miklós Poór, Zelma Faisal, Christoph G W Gertzen, Benedikt Cramer, Beáta Lemli, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Holger Gohlke, Hans-Ulrich Humpf

Interaction of Ochratoxin A and Its Thermal Degradation Product 2'R-Ochratoxin A with Human Serum Albumin

TOXINS 10:(7) Paper 256. 17 p. (2018) (2018)

MTMT: 3388635     DOI: 10.3390/toxins10070256

Sepsey Annamária, Németh Dóra Rita, Németh Gábor, Felinger Attila

Rate constant determination of interconverting enantiomers by chiral chromatography using a stochastic model

Journal of Chromatography A 1564: 155-162. (2018) (2018)

MTMT: 3382944     DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2018.06.014


István Ervin Háber, Péter Maróti, Luca Tóth, Péter Varga (editors)

Conference Book of the 3rd International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference

Pécs, Magyarország : Pécsi Tudományegyetem (2017) , 111 p., ISBN: 9789634291657 (2017)

MTMT: 3304245     DOI: -

Péter Varga, Péter Maróti, Gábor Jancsó, Alexandra Gedei, László Lénárd, Balázs Gaszner, Örs Pintér, Miklós Nyitrai, Balázs Gasz

3D Technologies in the Support of Surgical Planning (2017)

3rd international Interdisciplinary 3D Conference, 5-6 October 2017 University of Pécs (2017)

MTMT: 30753058     DOI: -

Filotás D, Bátai IZ, Pozsgai G, Nagy L, Pintér E, Nagy G

Highly sensitive potentiometric measuring method for measurement of free H2S

SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 243: pp. 326-331. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3153145     DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.11.102

Yu-Fang Lee, Anne-Marie Kelterer, Gergely Matisz, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Chao-Yu Chung, Yuan-Pern Lee

Infrared absorption of methanol-water clusters (CH3OH)n(H2O), n = 1–4, recorded with the VUV-ionization/IR-depletion technique

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 146 Paper: 144308 , 16 p. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3211845     DOI: 10.1063/1.4979558

Miklós Poór, Afshin Zand, Lajos Szente, Beáta Lemli, Sándor Kunsági-Máté

Interaction of α- and β-zearalenols with β-cyclodextrins

MOLECULES 22 : 11 Paper: 1910 , 14 p. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3287296     DOI: 10.3390/molecules22111910

Ernszt, D., Banfai, K., Kellermayer, Z., Pap, A., Lord, J.M, Pongracz, JE, Kvell, K.

PPARgamma deficiency prevents thymic senescence

2017. Front Immunol. (Accepted for publication) (IF: 6.429) Q1 (2017)

MTMT: 3293775     DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01515

Ágota Pénzes, Elhusseiny Mohamed Mahmud Abdelwahab, Judit Rapp, Zsanett A. Péteri, Judit Bovári-Biri, Csaba Fekete, György Miskei, Krisztián Kvell, Judit E. Pongrácz

Toxicology studies of primycin-sulphate using a three-dimensional (3D) in vitro human liver aggregate model

TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 281 pp. 44-52. , 9 p. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3267062     DOI: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2017.09.005

Rapp J., Jaromi, L., Miskei, G., Kvell, K., Pongracz, J.E.

Wnt signaling – lung cancer is no exception

RESPIRATORY RESEARCH 18 : 1 Paper: 167 , 16 p. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3264469     DOI: 10.1186/s12931-017-0650-6

Burkus M., József K., Bálint G., Niklai B., Márkus I., Tunyogi Csapó M.

Gerincferdülés esetén tapasztalt szagittális megjelenés vizsgálata EOS 2D/3D képalkotás használatával

Magyar Traumatológia Ortopédia Kézsebészet Plasztikai Sebészet. 2017. 60. 1-2. 89-99. (2017)

MTMT: 3350696     DOI: 10.21755/MTO.2017.060.0102.003

Burkus M, József K, Niklai B, Márkus I, Tunyogi Csapó M

A collodiaphysealis szög vizsgálata gerincferdülés esetén, háromdimenziós képalkotás segítségével

Magyar Traumatológia Ortopédia Kézsebészet Plasztikai Sebészet. 2017. 60. 1-2. 13-20. (2017)

MTMT: 3350671     DOI: 10.21755/MTO.2017.060.0102.002

Kellermayer Z, Vojkovics D, Balogh P

Innate lymphoid cells and their stromal microenvironments

IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS 189 pp. 3-9. , 7 p. (2017) (2017)

MTMT: 3214736     DOI: 10.1186/s12931-017-0650-6